Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Why Network Marketing makes sense

Why do Network Marketing? Or have you been?......

During the early days of American business, companies were largely built through word-of mouth advertising.

In addition to business owners, professional people such as doctors, dentists and lawyers built their practices using the word-of-mouth approach. It is simply the QUICKEST, most cost-effective way of building a business.

This type of advertising, in its current form, is referred to as
Networking or Network Marketing. The truth still holds truethat it is the quickest, most cost effective way of bringing aproduct or a service to the consumer.

Therefore, unlike other professionals who only own their job we
own a business.

We get PAID for not only our own efforts, but also the
efforts of many.

A recent article referred to networking as the marketing concept of the future and predicted that within a few short years, most all products and services will be provided through Network Marketing.

Donald Trump stated that if he were to start over, it would be in some type of Network Marketing. In his opinion it is the only way ordinary, everyday people can achieve financial independence.

In an issue of Success Magazine: the cover story, Creating
, featured ordinary people all of whom had made their fortunes through Network Marketing. Simply put, the trend today is that more and more well-educated business and professional people are turning to Networking. It is creating more WEALTH than any other system.

In the United States, some 87 million people are currently working at home and 38.5 million of those are in networking.

Why is Networking so Powerful?

Did you know you can become WEALTHY doing this business part time?!
Thats right, part time! The reason is simple. You are utilizing OTHER PEOPLES EFFORTS!

For example, lets say you put 10 hours a week into your part time business. Do you think you could find two other people who might want to make money doing the same thing? Of course you could! So, now, instead of working 30 hours yourself, you have found a more effective way to get three times the results.

What if your two reps sponsored two reps each who, also, only worked 10 hours a week? Now, thats 70 hours of work being done and you are only doing 10!

How about when you have 100 reps in your business still doing only 10 hours a week of networking? Thats over 1000 hours a week! All of which you are getting paid on!

Even if you wanted to, you couldnt work that many hours in a week by yourself. This is the secret that many, many successful people know. Its the power of leveraging your time.

It was the famous billionaire John Paul Getty who said, Id
rather have 1% of 100 peoples efforts than 100% of my own!

This business is about a lot of people all doing a little bit. Once you truly grasp the concept of leveraging your time and effort, it will be easy for you to understand why so many people are becoming involved in this industry called Network Marketing.

What is the most important thing you need to build a successful Network Marketing business? Its not money, its PEOPLE.

Everyone is a prospect but not everyone is a worker. You must
remember that it is not your responsibility to judge whether or not they are a dud or a stud. The old saying, you cant judge a book by its cover, is true with people also.

If you really want people to pay attention to you, show them whats in it for them.
Focus only on what success they can have in this business. Find out their needs, their goals, and their desires. Then show them how they can achieve those things through this business.

People could care less how much money you make unless you are paying their bills. Always direct all benefits of services and income potential towards the prospect. For example, when you are talking to your prospect about Your Opportunitys unbelievable residual pay, you could say something like, Your monthly residual check alone could allow you to stay home with your kids every day!

Remember, Telling isnt Selling, but Asking is.

Your chances for success greatly increase when you are asking as opposed to telling someone about your business. Use questions like, If the right thing came along, would you be interested in improving your income? or Would you like to quit your job? Or "Do you ever look
at other ways to make money?, Would you want more information?"
Ask anything you can think of to find out what their wants and needs are.
Then you are in a much better position to sell your opportunity.

All people are different so get creative and use your personality and excitement to get their attention.

If you want to look at a great Networking Opportunity, that fills all the blanks beautifully, visit

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Thanks again for your Time & Attention
Chuck Bartok

Monday, September 04, 2006

Work with JOY

Work With Joy
By Ramu Jaladurgam

A happy person is not a person with certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with certain set of attitudes -Hugh Downs


Why don't you choose 'JOY' as your choice?

The happiest things in the world are not things, they are just emotions. Everybody aspire to live their life happily to the fullest, but many times situations go wrong and expectations invite worries. Happy, Jovial, Joy, Ecstatic - no matter how you say it - a feeling of joy is uplifting and satisfying. It's a state we all want to be in, but too many of us don't know how to experience the joy.

What will make you joyful and happy? Finding the perfect job or spouse? A shiny new car? Your dream house? Even things which appear to create joy have their downsides

Every human being wishes to be happy, but the metamorphosis of the mental perception towards being with happiness should be the ultimate choice. You can change yourself by changing the way you feel. So, try not to look at change as an impossible task. But remember, we do all have the choice and the power to change IF WE WANT. Explore the happiness that is lying within you always.

After GOD created a human being with all the emotions, he was searching for the place to keep the happiness, thinking that by default happiness may not have the purpose of creation. Other administrators suggested him to keep Happiness at the peak mountain of Himalayas and somebody said it is easy for them to find and achieve, then other proposals like hiding in to the deep see, locking in the rocky den was also denied by the god, because they seems to be easy. Then an intelligent proposal emerged in to the god's mind to keep the happiness within the human being. Since then the man is searching around the world and trying to find the 'Joy' with things, relationships, expectations, money, power and other tangibles.

Joyful people take responsibility for their own happiness. Joy is a choice. A small flower at our garden, Baby's smile, Sunrise like simple beauties of life also can bring happiness to our life provided if we have attitude. You can create joy when you change your faulty beliefs and thoughts. Joy is more than happiness, health and wellness. The good news is that we all have room for change and can do it by checking our responses to the world and different situations in our life. Love unconditionally, reduce self-interest while developing your social interest and self-help to be at peace and have positive perceptions.

Wishing, hoping, feeling and being with joy is the complete purpose of life.

I wish your only choice would be to WORK WITH JOY.

About the Author:
Ramu Jaladurgam is one of our MDI subscribers. If you would like to contact him about the story he submitted, he can be reached at ramusky@yahoo.com

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