Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Have you reached your Mid year Goals?

Good Words for a Good Friend Brian Kim.

Brian has a fabulous Website
"Invest in Yourself and make it Happen. Pick up a Copy of his latest Book,
"The Hidden Secret in Think & Grow Rich"

He is also a frequent visitor to our Live Talk Show ( discussing Think & Grow Rich and The Master Key

This is the right time of the Year to take stock of "Goals" and bring them into perspective to enjoy the benfits of Success for the rest of the Year and beyond.
From Brian Kim

“I’m going to open my own business and make a million dollars.”
“I’m going to lose 100 pounds of fat.”
“I’m going to become a famous movie star!”

Everyday, we hear these grandiose claims made by our family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. They tell us at every opportunity and we nod politely as we listen to them ramble on and on. Time goes by.

Are they any closer to achieving their goals? Did they even take a step in the direction of their goals? The answer (99.9999999% of the time) is NO.

What went wrong? Why couldn’t they achieve their goals or even start for that matter? Was it because they set their goals too high?

The answer is yes. They set their goals too high.


n is it wrong to think big? The answer is no.

Confused yet? Let me explain.

Thinking big is great. I encourage you to spend some time everyday and dream about your biggest goal. It’s good nourishment food for the mind.

However, the point I want to make is that thinking big by itself will not do anything for you.

In fact, by doing that alone, it can hinder you.

You must be able to think SMALL first, before you can think big.

When you are “big”, then, and only then, can you really and truly begin to “think big”.

Let’s use the first goal listed in the beginning of this article as an example.

“I’m going to open my own business and make a million dollars.”

Joe Blow decides to think big and boldly states that he will open his own business and make a million dollars. Then he sits down and tries to figure out how to do that.

*crickets chirping in the background*

Joe Blow has NO idea where to begin. He draws up a plan, but quickly dismisses it as it will not bring in a million dollars. He draws up another plan, but doesn’t put much effort in it as well. He has no idea where to start, no concrete plan of action, and as a result, gets very discouraged. He seeks help outside by going to the bookstore and starts buying books such as:

“How to make a million dollars with your own business”.
“How to make a million dollars in real estate”.
“How to become an instant millionaire”, etc.

He devours the books but nothing happens.

What’s going on with Joe Blow? Why can’t he get any traction?

It’s because he’s trying to learn how to make a million dollars with his own business when he hasn’t even learned how to make $1.00 yet.

Seriously. Think how hard it is for you to earn $1.00 of profit with your own business. Don’t be quick to dismiss it and think it’s easy. Really try to do it. Aside from your job, do you think you can make $1.00 of profit?

The book that Joe Blow should’ve bought is:

“How to make your first dollar of profit from your own business and then learn from that and reinvest that money to make two dollars in profit and learn from your experiences to make four dollars of profit and then start to make 8 dollars as you slowly build confidence and momentum to make twenty dollars in profit so you can just keep building upon lesson after lesson, experience after experience, and to keep on learning and building momentum because you know what works and by focusing on setting small measurable goals till you make enough money to think big and leverage your resources to accomplish the big goals you set now that you have the means to do so.”

Michael Dell employed the route of thinking small before thinking big. He started by selling personal computers from his dorm room. Steve Jobs started Apple in his parent’s garage.

If you continue to read the biographies of successful people, you will realize two common themes among them.

1. They just got started. They didn’t wait till conditions were perfect. They just got started.

2. They went through a necessary process of growth to get to where they are today.

The reason why they were able to just get started was because they thought small first, rather than big. If you set a goal of earning a million dollars compared to setting a goal of earning $1 dollar in profit, imagine which goal will propel you to take action more easily.

Once they got started, they were able to go through a necessary process of growth that enabled them to achieve their big goals.

This process of growth is what most people nowadays fear and detest most. Most people want results NOW. We live in a generation of instant gratification. We get radio, TV, video, information at the click of a mouse. We can reach anybody in the world by hitting 10 buttons on a phone. We have the world at our fingertips. We are a spoiled generation not wanting to go through the slow process of growth.

However, you must realize that this process of growth should not be feared or detested.

The process of growth should be EMBRACED.


Because going through this process of growth will teach you the necessary lessons and skills to achieve the big goal you’ve set.

Focus on thinking small in order to experience the necessary process of growth to achieve your big goal. Then, when you get “big”, you can leverage all your knowledge and resources to accomplish the results of your thinking big.

If you look at the biographies of famous actors/actresses, you will realize that they too just got started and went through a process of growth to get to where they are today. Many just got started by doing embarrassing commercials and TV shows, but that was all part of the process of growth.

Now they are huge mega blockbuster stars. Because they are “big” now, they can truly “think big” and accomplish it easily. If they choose to write an autobiography, it’ll probably become an instant #1 bestseller on the NY Times. If they choose to promote a certain charity, they can easily enlist the help of many people to throw a charity event in one week. They can use their “big” celebrity power to bring attention to issues that are ignored, etc.

The point is, they could’ve only done that when they were “big”, and the only way to become big is to think small and to grow.

I will end this article with a personal story of mine that ties well in with this article.

When I graduated from high school, I was a skinny twig. I probably weighed around 120 pounds soaking wet. I wanted to gain weight and set a lofty goal of 170 pounds. I spent time and money reading and buying products, looking for that magic shake or supplement that would help me gain 50 pounds. None of it worked and I became so discouraged, I quit.

A year later, I picked up the goal of gaining weight again but this time, set a small goal. Gain 5 pounds. Become 125 pounds. This was all it took. This took me out of the mindset of the “quick fix” and propelled me to go through the slow process of growth and to learn.

By having this mindset, I began to find myself reading quality information on bodybuilding. I learned all about proper nutrition, post and pre-workout meals and shakes, proper weight lifting form, the proper number of sets and reps to do, the importance of protein and calories in your diet, etc.

With all that knowledge and the small goal I set, it wasn’t long till I hit 125. Now to you, it may not seem like such a big deal. Whoop de doo. You went from 120 to 125. You want a medal? Why yes, by all means thank you very much!

When I saw the scale climb slowly from 120 to 121 to 122 to 123 to 124 to 125 over a period of weeks, I was thrilled and excited because I knew if I could go from 120 to 125, I could go from 125 to 130, then from 130 to 135, then from 135 to 140, etc.

And that’s exactly what happened. Each small goal when achieved, propelled me to go forward with even more confidence, fuel, determination, and motivation and I continuously picked up more and more information along the journey that made growth faster. In two years, I hit 170.

The point I want to make is:

Think Big -> THEN Think Small -> Grow -> Become “Big” -> Then Accomplish Big Things

Invest in yourself and make it happen.

One of the greatest things to Invest In is YOUR Awareness. I would like to Point you to and Very exciting set of CDs produced by the Master of Declaring Yourself and Making it Happen, Joe Schroeder.

Own this powerful collection and enjoy the re-sale, earning $100 per set.
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Thanks for the Visit
Your Good news Merchnat
Chuck Bartok

Monday, June 25, 2007

4 Network marketing Lies that are Hurting your Business

I want to Thank Mike Martinez, who posted this very Pointed and
Truthful article on MLM Insider Newsletter.

The 4 Network Marketing Lies that are Hurting Your Business

For millions around the globe Network Marketing represents a
glimmer of hope. After all, a good Network Marketing business
brings along wealth, success and freedom unimaginable to most
business owners.

For the most part, NWM is a sound business model that can create
dramatic lifestyle changes. So then, if the above statement is
true, why is it that so many people fail? The answer to that
question can be found in the four NWM lies. But in order to get a
clearer understanding, lets first talk about the concept of

Attrition is a word borrowed by the NWM industry to describe people
who join a company and then quickly fall out. Quick attrition can
be anywhere from the first day to the first year. However,
attrition dramatically lessens for those who have battled it out
and made it through their first year.

Now what does attrition have to do with the 4 NWM lies? Everything.
The fact of the matter is that many people recruit others using one
or more of these 4 lies. These falsehoods turn out to be the
triggering device for most early-on attrition.

Lets now take a look at these dreaded communication mistakes and
see how they can be effecting your success, and most importantly,
how we can eliminate them and reach success all the more sooner.

NWM lie 1: False income expectations: False income expectations are
probably the most used lie in NWM. It is often accompanied by it's
first cousin, the unrealistic time frame lie. Verbalized it sounds
something like this, " In 2 months I was making $5,000 a month," or
"In 6 months I reached the position of "Master of the Universe" and
was making $10,000 a month."

Now that all may have been true... for you. You may have very well
done that. But that communication will now plant the seed in your
prospect that will create a very unrealistic income and time frame.

Because you were able to achieve such an amazing result does not
mean that the next person can. Whenever these words are spoken it
almost always comes back to bite you.

The better approach is to give a low figure to begin with. A good
habit to get into is to simply say; "I can show you a specific plan
so that you can make $500 a month part-time. Once we reach that
goal, together we will work on your first $1000 a month."

That is a huge difference in communication. It inspires trust and
most importantly, it is doable. Don't think for second that people
won't be interested in making an extra $500 a month part-time. $500
a month part-time can be a very attractive proposition, especially
when you offer to show them how to double that into $1000 a month.

Bankruptcy statistics prove conclusively that an additional $200 a
month would have avoided over 90% of U.S. bankruptcies in 2005. In
addition, by setting the bar at an easy mark like $500 a month,
when you do come across a heavy hitter, one of those 3% of people
who takes off running, and this person does make that big check his
first month, you now look like a hero.

You could stop reading right now and if you begin formulating your
communication in this way and your time would be well spent. But
lets go on...

NWM lie 2: Exaggerated product claims: The second big lie is hyping
your product to a point where people expect miracles. For the most
part NWM companies have superior products. But with that said,
avoid promising more than the product can deliver.

If your product is a weight loss product, don't promise 30lbs in 30
days even if there is overwhelming evidence. Let the customer or
recruit experience the results themselves. That way they are coming
back to you raving about the product. This type of excitement
brings about customers that can't stop talking great things about
your products to everyone. This is Network Marketing the way it is
supposed to be.

As opposed to giving a prospect a hyped up expectation and then
having them not meet what you drilled in them. What do you think
they will be telling their friends and family about you and your
product? The exact opposite of what you want. It seems these days
that over zealous companies and representatives are out to prove
their superiority. It's great to have pride in your company and
products. Just watch what you say.

If your product has shown to be beneficial to a particular
condition, by all means point that out. But also make sure to
communicate the fact that everybody is different. And at no time
make any statement that your product can treat or cure a disease.
That can get you and your company in a lot of trouble quickly.

The way to get around this second obstacle is to use curiosity.
Master the question, "Why don't you try it and see the results for
yourself?" Educating your customers and reps with the benefits of
your product, and following up with that question not only creates
sales; it also implants a mental suggestion that gets the person
alert to the benefits. This subtle approach creates a long term
belief in you and your product.

NWM lie 3: This is the world's easiest marketing plan. This is
another big one. You see them on magazines, emails and TV
infomercials. You've heard it before, "All you need to do is get
two people who go out and get two people and before you know it you
have hundreds in your sixth level."

Yes, theoretically it is true. You can sit down and sketch it out
on paper. It may even sound totally logical. But the facts are that
it rarely happens as easy as we would all like.

The reality is that you have to go through a lot of people to find
those first two serious business builders. You have to go through a
lot of rocks to find that one diamond. When you plant lie 3 in a
prospect's mind you set the stage for massive frustration.

A much better approach is to lay the cards down accurately and then
challenge your prospect. A NWM business brings with it total
time freedom, huge financial rewards and unlimited opportunities
for growth. Your job as a master recruiter is to plant those
benefits with such beauty and appeal that the challenge to find the
right people is greatly outweighed by the rewards.

A simple way to accomplish this is by painting an irresistible
picture of what will be achieved by a successful NWM business
and then ask, "Would you be willing to ask 1000 people to take a
look at your business if you could achieve all the success we just
talked about?"

If you get an answer other than an enthusiastic "Yes," you either
have a poor prospect, or you haven't painted a vivid and compelling
enough picture of the benefits. Either way, this method of sorting
guides you to who is serious up front. In addition, this give the
prospect a long term perspective, minimizing attrition.

NWM lie 4: "It only cost xxxx dollars a month." If you are seeking
serious players it is of utmost importance that you be upfront
about the realities of this business.

The product consumption is only one part of the true expenses
incurred in this type of business. You have business cards,
marketing materials, training materials, websites, leads and more.
The danger of quoting your monthly consumption as your only expense
is that you position the prospect as a customer, instead of a
business builder.

Customers are important, but business builders lead to rapid
wealth. Serious business builders are a significant level above
customers. If your intent is to recruit a business builder,
demonstrate the tax benefits associated in the cost of running your

For many the tax benefits alone are a very attractive draw for
joining your opportunity. The key point to get across is that this
is a true business. That being the case, there are some expenses in
order to effectively run a profitable business.

To summarize, the four NWM lies are devastating illusions that will
destroy your credibility and your business. The key to building a
strong team of true business builders is to use truth and help
prospects see the benefits inherent in this business. Your
recruiting numbers may dip a bit, but your retention and the
quality of your team will rise beyond your expectations.

As Mike pointed oput the Tax Advantages alone are worth joining a legitimate MLM HBB. The average Tax Savings for an Employed MLM part-timer is $4,000 to $8,000 a year.

Send me an E-Mail to

with the Subject line FREE TAX BOOK Please and I will send you a great PDF,
also click on the Link on the right and get your Tax Deduction Software
or just click here
Tax Saving Software

Chuck Bartok

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Just a quick post to include Odeo in our Podcast Rss Feed.
My Odeo Channel (od

Also we now have some Podcasts at
My Blog Radio

One more quick note...

We have introduced a simple 1-2-3 Risk Free Marketing Plan

Squeeze Market Profits