Sunday, May 24, 2009

Walnut Farming, Network Marketing, Growing Your Business Re-visited

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The enclosed Video is an update on a Blog Post from July 2006.
I guess my passions of Farming and Marketing are so easily understood
when analyzing the Similarities.

Building a Marketing Empire and growing Short Term and Long Term crops
must follow the same Structure.

  • Create the Idea (research product Demand)
  • Draw a concise Business plan
  • Establish Budget and Cash Flow Projections
  • Learn to Mastermind with Like-minded people
  • Apply Massive Action NOW
The key element is to also decide about Time Frame for expected NET Income.
Some farming crops can produce QUICK Money, but need to be re-planted for continuous Income. Other crops (Orchards) take a long time to realize Net Income, but then provide Residual for Years, needing Maintenance of course.

So a SMART Farmer and Marketer will strike a blend of Long Term and Short Term Projects, assuring continuous Cash Flow.

This Concept is addressed in it's entirety and Tools and System available with
YOUR Lifetime Membership in The Focus Society Mastermind

Watch the Video and comment please

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Chuck Bartok