Monday, October 16, 2006

System Duplication, the Backbone of Network Marketing & MLM

The Network Marketing and MLM buisness is growing in Numbers of Companies, offering everything under the sun.(500% in the past 10 Years)

Interesting the growth of active Distributors has not kept pace. (only 15% in the same period).

With all the state of the art use of Flash, sizzle calls, conference rooms, instant downloads
you would think the numbers of Distributors woul have kept pace.

What's the problem?
I think it is the lack real Foundation Building and some mis-guided direction by the "leaders".

They easily enough "sell" the Dream but many times fail to "tell" the system.

People don't duplicate, sytems duplicate and if there is no System Duplication, the Dream of the Fantastic Unlimited Residual Income can quickly vanish and you have Dead Downlines.

People are encouraged to spend on the Tools, but the tools don't always come with instructions.
I believe the "truth" is sometimes hidden because it may "scare" new recruits away from the fact Success is Obtained only through consistencey of using the system correctly.

Before anyone considers aspiring to become a Highly Productive Networker, enjoying the Freedom of Unlimited Income and Total Control of Time They should be willing to Invest in Themselves, learn the time tested System of Duplication.

Not only will that investment return Unlimted Income , it in itself can produce immediate Income to fund the Growth of the Main Business.

This has become known as a Funded Proposal and has allowed Novice Marketers to mature to Industry Giants in a short period of Time.

If you would be interested in learning of some highly productive Funded Proposals contact me at
Visit our website
or call
530-798-0245 PST

Chuck & Shirley Bartok
Your Good News Merchants

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