Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Here are some good Comments from a fellow Marketer , Dave Cottrell.
He has a great Traffic Exchange
Tower Hits

Dave & I share an Affinity to Realtionship Marketing.
It that Premise that allows our Businesses
to grow consistently. Also we are in Control of
our Outcome but using affiliate programs to our
advantage, not someone elses.

I'm sure, if you're like me, you're always conscious about the cost of doing business online.
The fact is, if you're spending more than you're making, you're losing money, and that's not wise!
Some say that you have to prime the pump in order to get water, but as a farm-raised boy, I have to say, if you keep on pouring water down the pump, and your arm's falling off from pumping that handle, and yet no water's coming out of the pipe, maybe you should save your water before you run out and check to see if the pump is actually working!

I'm always on the lookout for things that bring more business my way, that don't drain my wallet, and that actually have an affiliate program to offset my expenses. In most cases, when you need something, you can find it with an affiliate program, and can quickly get your money back if you tell people about it.

The best kind of product to tell people about is one you use yourself!

Why would YOU buy anything from someone who hasn't actually tried the product?
It might be junk!

It seems these days that everyone keeps hopping on board with the latest, greatest, make-you-rich-overnight-with-no-work affiliate program, but most people don't even try the products or services they're marketing, so they don't even know if they're worth buying in the first place!On the flip side, many people who are serious about building a real business keep on buying the same junk, based on the hype on the sales page, without asking anyone they know if they've actually tried the product!

Who cares if Sam G from Austen says it's the greatest thing he's ever seen?
What does it matter is Susan P from Toledo tried it and had her sales double in 48 hours?

Who ARE these people??

What I want to know when I'm reading your ad is will it do for me what it says it will do?

Have YOU, personally, tried it, and did it work for you?

If I send you an email and ask you what you think of it, are you going to be able to truthfully tell me you've tried it, are you going to lie to me, or will you simply ignore me, because you're too afraid to admit that you're marketing something you're not willing to try yourself?As buyer first, then an affiliate, you are actually trying a product that you can truthfully speak about from experience.

As a gold member, of EverythingForSuccess, for example, I can truthfully tell people just how good the program is and why I'm still a gold member after more than a year.

Do you think this works?
You bet it does!

But if you're not willing to buy the product, yourself, what makes you think anyone else will?
It doesn't matter HOW great the hype is on the sales page - if it doesn't sell you, it certainly isn't going to sell anyone else, either!

All you're doing by becoming a free affiliate is driving the parent site's rankings up, making it more likely that someone doing a search engine search is going to find THAT site (not your affiliate site) and make the purchase there, rather than on your affiliate site.The very best way to make sales online and off is to tell people about a product or service you use, have paid money for, and are happy with!

Stop trying to sell stuff you don't value enough to pay for!

You'll always fail that way.Look for what interests you, find what you want, make sure it has a good affiliate program, find out what others you can really ask have to say about it, and pay for it! Then you can share your very powerful sales message from your own experience, and begin to actually make some money....

Amen to that Dave,

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4 Dynamic CD's that define HOW to Market,
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and note Easter Special!!
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1 comment:

Xman said...


Hey CeeBee...

It looks like you have it all together!

YOU are the MASTER of Blogging!!

Your articals are COOOOL...

It's no wonder people CHASE you to find out just HOW you do IT!!!

Keep up this GREAT work!

You Partner in Pa.

Pat Ritrosky